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Nairaland Dictionaries
Richard Akindele
Nairaland.net Online Dictionaries Project

Thank you for helping build Dictionaries for Nigerian languages.

Below are words that need translating.

  • Click each word, and a textarea would appear.
  • Type a translation for the word. A translation could be from a Dictionary, or just your own knowledge.
  • Then select the language you translated the word into.
  • Finally, click Send.

[Words to show: Easy | Medium | Difficult | Uncommon ].

(?) limb

(?) ease

(?) tap

(?) team

(?) ankle

(?) South

(?) plate

(?) infer

(?) pants

(?) being

(?) roll

(?) path

(?) merry

(?) gets

(?) poet

(?) seeds

(?) moist

(?) bombs

(?) worried (1)

(?) gave

(?) e.g.

(?) billy

(?) glory

(?) mean

(?) sirs

(?) snow

(?) none

(?) rush

(?) pant

(?) bow

(?) idols

[Words to show: Easy | Medium | Difficult | Uncommon ].

Note: each time you reload this page, a new set of words are displayed.

Nairaland.net dictionaries:
English Dictionary
English-Hausa Dictionary
English-Igbo Dictionary
English-Yoruba Dictionary



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