by Richard Akindele » Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:37 pm
This is one of those gray areas in our world.
I agree with you drrionelli. Evidence of homosexuality points more toward nature than norture. One could take the argument a step further and ask why some homosexual men have feminine xteristics, such as voice, breasts, long hair, the desire to gossip, etc.
Also, the impulse must be powerful for somebody in an important position to want to jeopardize that position by doing something that is prohibited in the society. We all know about some leaders who have come out, and ended up being shown the door.
The ultimate question is: who gets hurt because somebody is a homosexual? As you said: "Homosexuality in and of itself is not compromising in a community, societal or even cultural structure."
Hence, I really don't know what the origin of the animosity against homosexuals is.
You hit the nail on the head. If you want something done right, don't let the government be in charge.
I believe humans have a nature of needing something to hate. That is the reason there's so much strife in the world today. If it's not homosexuality, it's religion, if not that, it's political wranglings, race, etc.